Thursday, July 17, 2008

A night at Robot Love

My favorite little urban vinyl/designer toy shop was my hang out spot tonight from 6 to 8. Every 3rd Thursday of every month Kris, the owner, holds a "trading night", where all the collectors from the cities come to hang out, trade, and talk TOYS. Tonight at Robot Love was a slow night. I can't believe that JJ, Robot Love's number one customer and a good friend of mine, wasn't there. Our Friend Shawn ALSO did not show up. Kris is thinking about holding another trading night next Thursday and I promised I'd be there. Tonight he and I just hung out and talked toys for a while; what's coming out, what just came out, and when things are coming in. 

My next big purchase, and one of the topics of our discussion, is this nice Teddy Trooper designed by an artist called Dalek. 

Aside from all of that, today was another "what will I do with my life" days... I need to work on my portfolio and either get a job or go back to school... I think a job is more realistic right now. I just realized how utterly useless I am right now. I really have NOTHING going on. I sleep in late and that's starting to even bug me these days. 

Yes I think i'll try to update my portfolio site at, buy some server space, and begin applying for a job... whether it is something that I love doing, or it isn't. 

Till then i'll try to keep this site updated with what it was originally created for...


p.s. - next post will be a review of The Dark Knight... midnight showing. Very pumped.

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