Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dropped by for the WHITE DEATH

Walked through my newly created path to my grandma's today and go there just in time for a visit from my aunt Tammy. I guess they had a date set to sit and have some drinks... and I stumbled upon this and was caught in the middle. I decided that, since I hadn't had a White Russian in a while, I would go home and get the ingredients. Got back just in time for Tammy to meet me there and we started the party (all of 2 drinks). 

Shortly after someone brought up the idea of having White Castle for dinner. Before anyone could suggest anything else, Grandma whipped out a gift card, Tammy made a list and we were off. I rode with Tammy to good ol' W.H. and we brought it home to indulge. 

Tammy wanted proof for a coworker... so I had to take a few. 
I'm set on white castle for another year or two now... 
good stuff tho... good stuff...

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