Thursday, October 14, 2010

Catchup Movies

Over the last couple weeks I saw Two movies worth mentioning, "The Social Network" and "It's Kind of a Funny Story."

"The Social Network" was actually a really good movie. I guess it's somewhat inaccurate but when was the last time a COMPLETELY TRUE STORY made a good movie?... never. I thought it was kind of cool seeing how this crazy site came together and where it started... but still, it was a movie about legal battles and facebook... as far as content goes, it was meh, but overall i'd say it was good.

"It's Kind of a Funny Story" wasn't quite as funny as I'd hoped for. But what it lacked in "funnies" it made up for in "good". I enjoyed it quite a bit, even though it was about an emo kid who checks himself into a hospital seeking help for thinking about killing himself. The crazy everyday life that takes place between him and his awesome hospital neighbors. The slight love story, molded together with humor and creativity of inner thoughts, makes for a very entertaining movie. And Zach Galifianakis is ALWAYS WIN... so see it... on DVD.

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