The hard part's over... now it's just the drive and the lines and geeking out about getting to meet Lando Calrissian and Boba Fett.
Just gotta figure out my comic list, what to bring, if I can take my dad's car and if I have any money to buy stuff at the Con... damn...
Looks like there's going to be a lot of stuff going on here. We're going to have a blast. And if we're lucky, Dan Peso and my buddy Chad Behnke will join us for the last day or two. If you want an autograph or something let me know.
Early Itinerary:
Leave Thursday morning 8/6/09.
Pick up Derek in Milwaukee 5 hours later.
Arrive at hotel 2 hours later.
Check in at 3pm.
Rush to Convention Center by 4pm.
Back and forth between hotel and convention until 8/9/09.
Then stop off at Dan's Parents house for a few.
Back to Derek's for a decent night's sleep.
And back to the home front on 8/10/09.
more to come.