Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Say nein to 9

Just got back from seeing 9. Not what I was hoping for... and I wasn't hoping for much. Just seemed like an hour and half short that was dragged on and on. There could have EASILY been no voices at all.

Elijah Wood is one actor who I really don't like. He just seems like he is always playing the same damn character. "Hi, I'm a main character with a soft spoken voice who can't act". That's probably not fair but still... not a fan. The only movie I actually liked him in was Sin City... WHERE HE DIDN'T SAY A WORD!!!

The story to 9 just seemed too rushed. The plot was, in my opinion, poor. There were no character backgrounds. There is nothing holding you to each character... So when a couple of them die, you really don't give a damn.

Sure the Trailers look sick, with the ninja one doing all this awesome stuff to some hard hitting music, but when it comes to it in the movie it was just very lackluster.

Don't go see 9... or if you really want to, wait for DVD. This is actually one CG movie where I won't seek it out when it releases to DVD.

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